

岩手県の経済活動を121の要因でネットワーク図を描いて、解析を行った。 岩手県の経済セクターは比較的はっきりと分離しており、お互いに関係性がないようだ。言葉は悪いが、岩手県の閉鎖的特徴が解析に現れたのではないか。人口流出が重要な課題となってお…

Yamagata Needs Working Places. Medical Workers Cure the Lone Old.

Statistical survey discovered that Yamagata economy is divided into traditional and city life. Yamagata needs working places for commercial and manufacturing activity. Increasing the number of medical workers may cure the problem of the lo…

Okinawa, A Migratory Life Divided into Child-Caring Family and the Old

Statistical survey discovered that Okinawa economy is divided into child-caring families and the old. Okinawa has a migratory life style such migrant workers, orphans, or the old in home.沖縄は子育て世帯と老人世帯が分かれている。出稼ぎ労働…

Commerce and hotel business will activate Japan

Statistical survey discovered that commerce and hotel business will activate Japanese society. 統計分析によると、日本社会の活性化には宿泊・娯楽産業と商業の発展が重要である。We selected 121 factors from eStat data and made network analysis …

Foreigners activate Tokyo, but lone seniors have a problem

Statistical survey discovered that foreigners will activate Tokyo economy. But Tokyo has a problem of lone seniors.東京は外国人・起業家・自営業で活性化。独居老人も問題。(日本語スライド)Network Analysis We selected 121 factors from eStat …

Male homicide victims are 3.534 times more than famales

男性の殺人被害者は女性被害者の3.534倍! Analysis of UNODC Homicide Statistics revealed that male homicide victims are over 3 times more than female victims according to all the countries. I was motivated by one twipic which suggest male ho…