

沖縄、渡り鳥的生活からアジアの経済ハブへ (スライド資料)

沖縄は、1) 子育ての世界、2)学校中心の老人世界、3) 2つの世界をつなぐ移住性の渡り鳥的生活者の世界の3つに分かれる。


Okinawa, A Migratory Life Divided into Child-Caring Family and the Old




Foreigners Activate Tokyo, but Lone Seniors Have a Problem




The economical sectors of Iwate prefecture is highly divided into 7 sectors as follows.
1. Child-caring familes working in service industry
2. Single people moving out from Iwate and commercial workers
3. Manufacturing workers
4. NEETs living with their mother
5. The old
6. Farmers and the old in a home
7. Male commuting workers including junior high school students
The analysis result clearly showed Iwate's feature of closeness.

Yamagata Needs Working Places. Medical Workers Cure the Lone Old.

Statistical survey discovered that Yamagata economy is divided into traditional and city life. Yamagata needs working places for commercial and manufacturing activity. Increasing the number of medical workers may cure the problem of the lone old in traditional life style.


We selected 121 factors from eStat data and made network analysis where factors connect each other with correlation coefficients.
We focused on 35 Yamagata cities from the Japan network analysis.

Traditional and City Life
We progressed network analysis of 121 factors on Yamagata cities. The factor network of Yamagata shows the factors are mainly divided into 2 separate regions in traditional (left) and city life (right).

The Old in Traditional Life
The left region indicates traditional life where majority is old people including school teachers, farmers, and manufacturing workers.

The City Life
The right region shows the city life since it has factors of nuclear family, crime rate, population density, and total taxpayer income price.

Top 10 of Betweeness
An statistical index of between indicates global hidden connectivity among all the network system. The following is top 10 of betweeness in Yamagata.

Factor			Description				Betweenness
office			working place				859.1
maker_employee		employee in manufacturing		633.1
family_senior_single	family of a single old			507.7
worker_medic.log	worker in medical service		501.0
worker_2		worker in manufacturing			398.5
office_2		manufacturing working place		359.1
family_nucl_spouse	nuclear family of husband & wife	342.9
family_trans		family in 2005				317.5
merchant_office		commercial office			304.0
worker_maker.log	worker in manufacturing			289.5

More Working Place and Medical Workers for Yamagata
Yamagata has clearly separate structure of traditional and city life style. As shown in the betweenness list, manufacturing working places of high betweenness are critical factors connecting traditional life with city life as hubs. Increasing the manufacturing working place may activate economy in Yamagata.
There is a problem of the lone old in traditional world. Medical worker is also a critical factor in Yamagata. Increasing the number of medical worker will solve the lone old problem because it directly links to the lone old.

We recommend two policy of increasing working places and medical workers for the activation of Yamagata prefecture. We hope policy makers will utilize this network result to activate Yamagata's economy.

Okinawa, A Migratory Life Divided into Child-Caring Family and the Old

Statistical survey discovered that Okinawa economy is divided into child-caring families and the old. Okinawa has a migratory life style such migrant workers, orphans, or the old in home.


We selected 121 factors from eStat data and made network analysis where factors connect each other with correlation coefficients.
We focused on Okinawa cities from the previous Japan network analysis.

Three Regions in Okinawa
We progressed network analysis of 121 factors on Okinawa cities. The factor network of Okinawa shows that factors are mainly divided into 3 regions in left, middle, and right.

Child-Caring Families
The yellow green left region indicates the child-caring family composed of child and adult since the factors related to child and adult stand at the center of this region.

The Old Connected to School
The right region shows the old people. It has school-related factors in it. In Okinawa school system may be a center for the old.

Migratory Life of Okinawa
In the middle, there were migratory factors such as the people who move in, move out, work outside their own city, or orphans and the old in home. And divorced single persons tend to run restaurant for earning according to the network diagram.

Top 10 of Betweeness
An statistical index of between indicates hidden connectivity among all the network system. The following is top 10 of betweeness in Okinawa.

Factor			Description				Betweenness
movein			People moving in			186.6
employee_out		Employees working outside the city	175.1
worker_gov.log		Worker in government			169.0
moveout	        	People moving out			161.1
family_faculty		Orphans and the old in home		136.6
divorce			Divorce Rate				120.5
maker_employee		Employees in manufacturing		102.2
jhigh_student		Junior high school students		100.4
popul_day_rate.log	Population rate in day and night	 97.4
maker_shipping.log	Total product shipping price		 86.7

As previously noted, the people moving in, moving out, and working outside the city has high betweenness score, showing these migratory factors connect the two divided world such as child-caring family and the old. As well known Okinawa has much high divorce rate among other prefectures in Japan, the result also indicates that divorce rate is a critical factors in Okinawa.

Okinawa Should Take a Migratory Policy
Okinawa was found to be a migratory life style by our analysis, having a feature where the people are coming in and out. Then we recommend Okinawa should take a migratory strategy to invite people and money by travel and tax-free policy, which Singapore succeeded as a center of East Asian hub airport. We hope policy makers in Okinawa will utilize this analysis result for the better economy situated among economically hot east asian countries.

Commerce and hotel business will activate Japan

Statistical survey discovered that commerce and hotel business will activate Japanese society.

We selected 121 factors from eStat data and made network analysis where factors connect each other with correlation coefficients.

Metropolis and Countryside
The factor network of Japan shows that factors are mainly divided into 3 clusters in left, middle, and right. Factors of metropolis formed the left supercluster. Right region includes countryside supercluster, commerce, and manufacturing clusters. In the middle, there was hotel business and NEETs who don't work and live with their parent.

Importance of Global Connectivity
Network analysis have many feature index. Betweenness is an index which shows importance of global connectivity. Betweenness indicates a hidden important relay station on the networked system. We show a network diagram of factors where the betweenness was shown in the circle size.

Factor	                Description	                  Betweenness
merchant_employee       commercial employee               164.0
restaurant	        restaurants	                  123.1
family_parent_m         families with father	          117.3
unemployed	        unemployed people	          115.4
ground_residence.log	ground price in residential area  113.2
high_student	        high school students	          112.2
family_parent_f	        families with mother	          108.8
garbage_emission	garbage emission amount           107.4
garbage_recycle	        garbage recycling rate	          102.0
elem_student	        elementary school children	   94.7

Commerce is important
The factor of commercial employee (merchant_employee) has the highest betweenness score. As the network diagram shows, restaurants (restaurant) also has the high betweenness. Garbage emission amount (garbage_emission) is high because commercial activity causes a large amount of garbage as a consumption result. These three commercial factors situated on the middle side of the network system. They are regarded as relay station to the far metropolis and must be an important activating factors in the total system.

Travel Industry is welcomed
Hotel business (hotel) and amusement workers (employee_amuse.log) are situated between the metropolis and countryside superclusters. That means those two factors are activator of the system, which globally connect the two divided superclusters.

Commerce and Travel are activator
Our conclusion is that hotel business and commerce will activate the Japan society in the hidden layer of economical structure. We hope political decision will learn from this result and pursuit activation of Japanese economy.

This survey was done by data galaxy team on the competition of data journalism camp & award in Dec, 2013.

Foreigners activate Tokyo, but lone seniors have a problem

Statistical survey discovered that foreigners will activate Tokyo economy. But Tokyo has a problem of lone seniors.


Network Analysis
We selected 121 factors from eStat data and made network analysis where factors connect each other with correlation coefficients.
We focused on Tokyo cities from the previous Japan network analysis.

Rich and Poor
We progressed network analysis of 121 factors on Tokyo cities. The factor network of Tokyo shows that factors are mainly divided into 3 regions in left, middle, and right. The yellow green left region indicates poor people since the factor of unemployed people stands at the center of this region. The right region shows the supercluster of rich people or high income taxpayers as tax income are situated near this region. In the middle, there were foreigners of large circle and workers.

Foreigner as a new working class in Tokyo
The following is top 10 of betweenness among 121 factors.

Label	                Description	                Betweenness
foreigner.log	        foreigner	                164.7
family_trans	        family in 2005	                129.2
family_worker.log	worker in family business	119.9
farmer_product.log	agricultural product price	109.2
worker	                worker	                        106.1
family_senior_single	single senior family	        105.1
commuter_in	        commuter coming to this city	 99.5
worker_3	        tertiary industry worker         85.3
worker_miner.log	mining worker	                 84.0
worker_3b	        tertiary industry worker	 75.9

The factor of foreigner has the highest betweenness score. As the network diagram shows, foreigner is a hidden activator in Tokyo as workers. On the contrary to our expectation of Japanese homogeneity, foreigner may be a new working class in Tokyo cities, which connects the boundaries of rich and poor people in Tokyo.

Lone Senior Problem in Metropolis
When we look at the poor people region, single senior family is a remarkably large circle there. This suggests that the problem of lone seniors may drag other factor in the poverty in Tokyo.

Immigration Policy in Aging Society
We Japanese continued ethnic homogeneity long years. But in the coming age, we must confront multivalued society which accepts foreigners as living partner in all aspects for our future. Increasing foreign population may lead to some problems, but may also lead us to a rich cultural diversity. We expect policy in Tokyo will improve immigration environment.
And solution to the problem of lone seniors is also important since this problem is the critical point of poverty in metropolis.

This survey was done by data galaxy team on the competition of data journalism camp & award in Dec, 2013.